Carefully curated sessions by a distinguished and international body of artists, academics, and cultural leaders across disciplines.
- Sessions in 2022 -
- Smart Festival 22 -
We bring to you our second edition festival brought to you on 19-20 Feb 2022, from Popoli and Spoleto, Italy. Co-creating and dreaming with fellow artists and creatives from around the world, curated for anyone to tune in and interact with the artists during live-streaming sessions.
You can learn more about the artist by clicking on their individual profile pictures on the world map below ...
- Sessions in 2021 -
The Meta Biennale
- Paintings -
Adi Atassi (Fine Artist. The Hidden Vocabulary. Room I & II)
Rosie McGurran (Artist R.U.A. The Inishlacken Project. Room I & III)
Ingrid Christensen (Artist. Nude Stripped Bare. Room I)
- Public Art -
Karin F. Giusti (Public Art Innovator. Dreamweave. Room I)
- Photography -
Keith Thomson (City Photography. En Plein Air. Room IV)
Niaz Maleknia (Photo Documentary. Play With Me. Room V)
Gero Cacciatore (Fotografo. Berlin Recordings. Room IV)
- Performance -
Teresa Albor (Artist. Against Wisdom. Room I)
Sam J. Grudgings (Poet. My Name is Dispute. Room I)
Dead Frogs (Experimental Music. A New Reality. Room I)
Riccardo Meneghini (Dance Artist. The Tree. Room I)
Free entry to the exhibition through the Art Gate Lobby
- Smart Festival 21 -
Responding to the pandemic lockdown last year in Feb 2021, we launched our first edition Festival.
"We travelled around the world in a digital way, until we can restart something that is in our human nature: the arts, the culture, the cinemas, the social, the travel, the discovery, the dreaming ..." - Vitor Pereira -
First Edition Keystones 21
artists & creatives
registered tickets
live sessions
playback views
curators & executives
patrons & sponsors
Artists and creatives from around the world ...
Click anywhere on the map and travel with the artists!
... co-creating to an amplified audience!

Dedicated to arts and culture. Be inspired by [sm]art artists and creatives. Because the world needs them now more than ever!
Hosted by
in smart association with
- Sessions in 2020 -
- Winter 2020 -
Smart Travel in Dec 2020 on the topic of "The Future of Smart Destinations" reflecting on our Artists-in-Residence sessions and the challenges during the pandemic.
- Fall 2020 -
Due to the Coronavirus travel restrictions and lockdown measures, fall sessions have been deferred until the next year, stay safe everybody!
- Spring 2020 -
After careful consideration of the pool of prolific and talented international artists, the committee has chosen four recipients to join us in Spoleto, Italy for our spring residency sessions.
Congratulations to New York based novelist and essayist, Janet Steen, Ireland based figurative artist, Rosie McGurran, Lisbon based writer and journalist, Vitor Pereira, and writer and visual artist, Margarita Gokun Silver.
World-renowned author and dancer, Twyla Tharp, once said, “Art is the only way to run away without leaving home.” We are thrilled to offer these artists a place to run to this spring — and the time and resources to continue creating their beautiful art. Benvenuti to Janet, Rosie, Vitor, and Margarita!
Due to the Coronavirus travel restrictions and lockdown measures, the spring and fall sessions have been deferred until the next year, stay safe everybody!
- Sessions in 2019 -
- Fall 2019 -
After careful consideration of the pool of exceptionally talented and inspiring international applicants, the Committee was unanimous in its short-list and final decision. We are pleased to announce that Cyprus-based journalist and writer Melissa Hekkers, Syrian-born artist, Adi Atassi, and energy alchemist, photographer and author, Sandy Humby are the recipients of our week-long residency at Casale Flaminia in Spoleto, Italy.
"Authentic, haunting, and evocative … Their work truly matters. These artists deserve the time and the space to pursue it.” - These are just a few words from members of the selection committee after choosing three recipients for the fall 2019 sessions.
The three artists left a profound footprint during their fall 2019 sessions, manifesting the future of Open Call program, grazie mille!
- Summer 2019 -
During the summer of 2019, we welcomed visiting artist Lina Hermsdorf with her colleague artist Tomasso Faraci from the Mahler & LeWitt Studios in Spoleto.
Solo Artist Lina Hermsdorf visited Casale Flaminia to work on her art film project during her artist-in-residence at the Mahler & LeWitt Studios in Spoleto. The project is centred around the Lucas Bona Dea at Acquaiura, a little known ancient sacred forest on the land of Casale Flaminia dedicated to the Roman goddess Bona Dea and 2000 years ago provided a sanctuary for women with rites that sanctified the temporary removal of customary constraints imposed on Roman women of all classes by Roman tradition.
- Sessions in 2018 -
For the opening sessions, we hosted our first writer in residence Emily Haas in spring 2018 and the visiting sculptor Luigi Prevedel in summer 2018.
Carefully curated sessions by a distinguished and international body of artists, academics, and cultural leaders across disciplines.

Meet the artists and writers, featuring some of their works and sessions.
Melissa Hekkers
- Writer in Residence -
Melissa Hekkers is a freelance journalist and author, who has frequently been featured in mainstream news outlets and other publications in Cyprus. Her most recent publication (2018), My Cape Greco Mandala, which is the third in a series, is a colouring book inspired by the wildlife of the Cape Greco peninsula in Cyprus and was preceded by My Akamas Mandala which focuses on a variety of endemic plants found on the Akamas Natural Reserve. In 2016, she published My Nicosia Mandala, the first of the above series, an innovative, interactive colouring book about the historic fortifications of the old town of Nicosia.
Since 2015, Melissa has been teaching creative writing to children and adults. Melissa also focuses on silenced communities in Cyprus: she writes about migrants, both as a reporter and author; profiles them and teaches them creative and script writing skills through European funded programmes. In 2007, soon after graduating with a Communications degree, she published her first children’s book in both English and Greek entitled Crocodile, which won the Cyprus State Illustration Award. In 2012, she launched her second children’s book Flying across Red Skies (in English and Greek), using an experimental approach to literature, for which she was nominated for the Cyprus State Literary award. Her third, similarly well-received children’s book was Pupa (Greek and English), published in 2014 and was adapted as a theatre play in 2019. In between her last two books, she published her first free-verse poetry book entitled Come-forth.
In 2019 she was contributing author to the anthology Nicosia Beyond Barriers: Voices from a Divided City, published by Saqi Books, London.
"Pupa" is live on stage!
An adaptation of the children’s book "Pupa" as a theatre play is currently being presented on weekends at the Theatre Dionysos. Bringing the book to life as a theatre play for the first time in Cyprus, the play is based on Melissa Hekkers’ third children’s book and is directed by Christos Yiangou and adapated by Natalia Panayiotou.

Photos Antonis Farmakas
"I'm not a volunteer, I'm Human"
- Amir's Blue Elephant -
During the Fall 2019 sessions at Casale Flaminia, Melissa Hekkers reflected on her experience as a volunteer on the Greek island beaches and the hardships faced by refugees and migrants upon reaching European shores. From the perspective of a journalist, Melissa Hekkers recounted her footsteps as she joined the journey of thousands of refugees seeking safety in Europe.
Telling the real story of a refugee kid Amir, holding on to his blue elephant toy, the new book pushing the creative boundaries of non-fiction, was born!

With Casale Flaminia we are delighted for Melissa Hekkers following through on her writer in residence book project, a woman's journey into the lives of European refugees, important narrative beautifully told and written, brava!

Melissa Hekkers | Amir's Blue Elephant | at (sm)art 21
"Hekkers delivers a true tour de force – with her lyrical and evocative writing, she shines a mirror on the humanity that unites us all." Mellisa Felix - Writing Mentor -
Adi Atassi
- Artist in Residence -
Adi Atassi was born in Syria, in 1962. The beauty of the Syrian landscape covered with a mosaic of colours, strong light and shadows, history and religions, influenced his first years lived in the town of Homs. At the age of eighteen, he left for Damascus to study art at the University of Fine Arts.
Like the sea gull flying to different lands building their nests, his fate brought him to Cyprus that provided for him his new home since 1987. The status of the foreigner, gave him the loneliness an artist needs, but at the same time, the familiarity of the climate and the history of place, gave him the love and warmth necessary for his creativity.
I'm interested in chaos and accident and the harmony and beauty found within. In my work I provoke the accident to later, during the creative process, embrace it looking for reconciliation and homeostasis. My approach as when creating is a construct-demolish-repair process; during this struggle I find a brute yet honest identity of my subjects.
Our perception of the world and ourselves is grounded on explicit or implicit agreements in society. I'm instigating this conventionalism and exposing the viewer to a visceral discourse concerned with our own bodily integrity and mortality.
"Vocabulary of Spoleto"
During the Fall 2019 sessions, maestro Adi captured the "vocabulary" of Spoleto using ink and watercolours on paper and kindly donated his work to the hosts of Casale Flaminia.

"The hidden worlds of words"
An interactive art journey between Adi and friends, where he invites them to write spontaneously some words on a 42-30 cm paper before interacting with their words written in Chinese Black Ink by passing his drawing knife on their words while the ink is still wet, transforming words into shapes...
- Adi and Friends -
“...shapes that belong to the character of everyone who interacts with me. It shows their hidden meanings, the worlds of all spoken and written words, those words that you imagine before the beginning of writing, and they are after an abstract of the 'Kafka' in the conscious mind, reflected in interconnected shapes and letters that show certain meanings." - Adi Atassi -
- The infinite worlds of shapes -
"My task as an artist is to reveal those hidden worlds of words, where words and letters turn into a form that can be related to the inner written words. It is the absolute abstraction of the content of the words or crafts and the creation of imaginary worlds hidden by words in their letters, this infinite world of shapes is the curiosity of the creative child inside me. From that I began to paint the hidden blanks that were formed between words or forms of words before turning them into a fairy, abstract, child features that are not subject to the authority of the mind or the logic that limit their departure from what we learned, understood or realised what words or letters mean." - Adi Atassi -
- Cityscape | Vivaldi -
Adaption of "Mozart in Love" we bring to you ""Vivaldi in Love", a poetic and artistic interpretation by Adi Atassi. While we were engaged by musical notes, maestro Adi started to register his feelings of the musical reverberations into an artistic display, through colours and drawings. As the four seasons unfold… we were able to sense the interaction and integration of different forms of art and music, in a harmonious state, which resonate into the language of love ...

Adi Atassi | Cityscape and Vivaldi | at (sm)art 21
- Keynotes at First Edition Festival 21 -
Travelling to Belfast and Nicosia, Rosie and Adi will be reflecting on key moments in their lives as aspiring artists, sharing what helped them on their way to become recognised artists with their work exhibited at home and abroad.

Rosie McGurran and Adi Atassi | Keynotes Dialog | at (sm)art 21
"Construct - Demolish - Repair"
"I'm drawn to chaos, accidents and the harmony and beauty found within. In my work, I provoke the accident to later, during the creative process, embrace it, while looking for reconciliation and homeostasis. My approach when creating is a construct-demolish-repair process, and during this struggle I find a brute yet honest identity of my subjects." - Adi Atassi -

Adi Atassi | Construct Demolish Repair | at (sm)art 21
Sandy Humby
- Writer in Residence -
I am a multi disciplined energy alchemist, house whisperer, designer, photographer and author. My work is in inspiring inner transformation through a path of Beauty, Truth and Love. A calling to an alignment to higher Soul Self through the healing of residual trauma and suffering and activation of the Heart. A true homecoming.
My colourful journey has taken me deep to explore myself and heal my story through the different phases and expression in my life, and this led me to a defining visit to The Alhambra in Granada in May 2010. The visit opened the doorway to my current expression and the creation and the publishing of a Rose Oracle for the Heart in 2014.
The wheel is turning again and a book that takes my work to its next level is currently being incubated to be birthed.
- House Whispering -
Sandra Marie Humby traversing Casale Flaminia - connecting to the whispering energy of Bona Dea with Host and Curator of Casale Flaminia Francesca d'Alessandro.
- Full Moon Rose Reading -
- Bona Dea -

"The Bona Dea releasing in a most beautiful colourful canvas what is past... to draw down deep with. To move to stillness, to nourish and replenish."
- Sandy Marie Humby, Writer in Residence -
Luigi Prevedel
- Visiting Sculptor -
During the festival Dei Due Mondi in July 2018, we hosted Visiting Sculptor, Luigi Prevedel at Casale Flaminia.
After twenty years working as a carpenter, Luigi started his artistic career in 2010 as a marble sculptor. Completely self-taught, Luigi has won the prestigious award Biennale Internazionale di Asolo showing his incredible ability to model hard stone as if it were wax to the finest detail becoming the official representative of Trentino art at the Milan Expo 2015.
Emily Haas
- Writer in Residence -
Emily Haas from North Carolina was our first artist in residence staying with us in May 2018 hosted by Casale Flaminia and mentored by Mellisa D. Felix.
Emily is a musician, writer and martial artist and qualified both in Chemistry (M.S.) and Law (J.D.) she is representing clients involving patents, copyrights and trade secrets.

In partnership with Art Gate, we are exhibiting our artists beyond brick and mortar spaces in a virtual reality arts community and marketplace. Our aim is to make it easy for international collectors and art lovers to visit our exhibition rooms in true reality, and virtual reality anytime, anywhere.

The Meta Biennale
- Paintings -
Adi Atassi (Fine Artist. The Hidden Vocabulary. Room I & II)
Rosie McGurran (Fine Artist. The Inishlacken Project. Room I & III)
Ingrid Christensen (Artist. Nude Stripped Bare. Room I)
- Public Art -
Karin F. Giusti (Public Artist. Dreamweave. Thirdspace. Room I)
- Photography -
Keith Thomson (City Photography. En Plein Air. Room IV)
Niaz Maleknia (Photo Documentary. Play With Me. Room V)
Gero Cacciatore (Fotografo. Berlin Recordings. Room IV)
- Performance Art -
Teresa Albor (Artist. Against Wisdom. Room I)
Sam J. Grudgings (Poet. My Name is Dispute. Room I)
Dead Frogs (Experimental Music. A New Reality. Room I)
Riccardo Meneghini (Dance Artist. The Tree. Room I)
Free entry to the exhibition through the Art Gate Lobby
Sponsored by

Smart City Art Districts in the Metaverse
Featuring: Ralph Overbeck, Vitor Pereira, Karin F. Giusti, Brendon McNaughton from Art Gate and presented by: [sm]art Curators. This exciting panel will approach questions around our current evolution into the Metaverse: What does it mean to have synergy between Smart Cities and the Metaverse? How will districts of the Metaverse evolve with smart structures?

Be inspired by artists and creatives, beause the world needs them more than ever!
Smart Festivals Sessions:
Smart Festivals Sessions:

Dancing towards (SM)ART FESTIVAL 2021

Vitor Pereira | opening keynotes | at (sm)art 21

Adi Atassi | Cityscape and Vivaldi | at (sm)art 21

Riccardo Meneghini | Dancing through the pandemic | at (sm)art 21
Riccardo Meneghini & Co | The Tree | at (sm)art 21

Sam J Grudgings | Bedroom Lockdown Poetry | at (sm)art 21

Rosie McGurran and Adi Atassi | Keynotes Dialog | at (sm)art 21

Ina Nico and Francesco Di Loreto | AK by Dead Frogs | at (sm)art 21

Graham Hofmann | Lorenzo's Vest | at (sm)art 21

Melissa Hekkers | Amir's Blue Elephant | at (sm)art 21

Davina Johnson | Voices Over The Sea | at (sm)art 21 curated by Ralph Overbeck

Rachel Zitin | Italianizzata | at (sm)art 21

Janet Steen | revisiting Calcata | at (sm)art 21

Gero Cacciatore | Berlin Recordings | at (sm)art 21

Melissa Chartan | Planted | at (sm)art 21

Zara Siddique | Rhetorik | at (sm)art 21

Mellisa Felix | smart book award | at (sm)art 21

Juliette Geissler | You were once forgotten | at (sm)art 21

Against Wisdom

Adi Atassi | Construct Demolish Repair | at (sm)art 21

Dreamweave for Thirdspace | Karin F. Giusti

"The Tree" Carolyn Carlson @Théâtre national de Chaillot


Sam Grudgings | My Name is Dispute | Word Of Mouth London | Spoken Word Poetry

Tricks Hommie Ryan @ #smartfestival22

Francesca Biondi and Rosie McGurran at #smartfestival22

Beatrice Rehema Katite @ #smartfestival22

- Mahler & LeWitt -
During the summer of 2019, we welcomed visiting artist Lina Hermsdorf with her colleague artist Tomasso Faraci from the Mahler & LeWitt Studios in Spoleto.
Bona Dea
Solo Artist Lina Hermsdorf visited Casale Flaminia to work on her art film project during her artist-in-residence sessions at the Mahler & LeWitt Studios in Spoleto. The project is centred around the Lucas Bona Dea at Acquaiura, a little known ancient sacred forest on the land of Casale Flaminia dedicated to the Roman goddess Bona Dea and 2000 years ago provided a sanctuary for women with rites that sanctified the temporary removal of customary constraints imposed on Roman women of all classes by Roman tradition.
Lucas Bona Dea by solo artist Lina Hermsdorf is exhibited in London at Jupiter Woods, a female led arts organisation.