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Welcome / Benvenuti

We bring to you our second edition festival brought to you on 19-20 Feb 2022, from Popoli and Spoleto, Italy. Co-creating and dreaming with fellow artists and creatives from around the world, curated for anyone to tune in and interact with the artists during live-streaming sessions.


(Starting from Sat 19 Feb 10:00, ending Sun 20 Feb 17:00 Rome time!)


Check out the festival program schedule ...

Tune in via Zoom, a presto!

You can learn more about the artist by clicking on their individual profile pictures ...

- Travel with the Artists

Travel with the Artists!

Travel with the Artists at Smart Festival 22
Sophia Willke (Freiburg)
Victor Pereira
Kamil Krolak
Janet Steen
Sam Grudgings
Rodney Kincaid.jpeg
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Allatif Eyad & Davina Johnson
Graham Hofmann (Gubbio)
Teresa Albor (Dhaka)
Karin F Giusti (Rhode Island)
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Tricks Hommie Ryan (Mombasa)
Rehema Katite (Mombasa)
Ralph Overbeck
WhatsApp Image 2020-12-21 at 11.38.25.jpeg
Rachel Zitin (Rome)
Sandy Humby
David Ralph Lewis
Hoda Mazloomian

We travel around the world in a digital way, until we can restart something that is in our human nature: the arts, the culture, the social, the travel, the discovery, the dreaming ...

- Get Engaged!

Adi Atassi is inviting
YOU to get engaged!


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- Get Ready Dancing!

Get ready Dancing with Riccardo Meneghini!

Counting down dancing towards
Second Edition Festival ...

Riccardo Meneghini

Riccardo Meneghini

Watch Now

Riccardo Meneghini, inviting us to dance towards the First and now to the Second Edition Festival, following a few steps, a few ideas that can put some attention and some inspiration in moving.

- Check out the program
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 Sam Grudgings at Smart Festival 21
 Gavin Irvine at Smart Festival 21

Check out the Festival Program!

Two days of second edition program is in the flow, carefully curated with some final juggling and maybe with some last minute surprises.


Rome Time (GMT+01:00)

                 - MORNING SESSIONS -                           

 10:00   Buongiorno from Popoli                    

                Karin F. Giusti with the mayor of Popoli 

 10:15    Opening Keynote.                                  

                Ralph Overbeck                                

 10:45   Be Like Water my Friend.                      

                Adi Atassi Riccardo Meneghini    

 11:30   Solo Exhibition. Gallery 545 Belfast.   

               Rosie McGurran | Francesca Biondi 

 12:00   Environmental Art. Spider Woman.     

                Karin F. Giusti                                      

 12:30   Photography as Art.                              

                 Keith Thomson                                   


                - AFTERNOON SESSIONS -                       

 14:00   Marhaba from Australia!                       

                Allatif Eyad & Davina Johnson     

 14:20   Tony and his Big Fish.                             

                Beatrice Rehema Katite               

 14:40   Merhaba from Turkey!                           

                Ingrid Christensen                           

 15:00   Wellness in Italia.                                    

                Rachel Zitin                                      


 15:30           SIESTA BREAK                                

 16:00   Art is Life.                                               

                Hoda Mazloomian                            

 16:30   A Fine Line.                                             

                Zachery Teall                                    

 17:00                APERITIVO TIME!                       

                  - EVENING SESSIONS -                             

 19:30    American in Rome, painting & singing 

                 Rodney Kincaid                                 

 20:00   Tiramisu Poetry from Bristol.                

                 David Ralph Lewis                            

 20:30   From The Film Director's Chair.             

                 Gavin Irvine                                         


Rome Time (GMT+01:00)

                - MORNING SESSIONS -                  

 10:00   Buongiorno from Popoli!                   

                Karin F. Giusti from her studio in Popoli 

 10:15    Opening Keynote.                                

               Vitor Pereira                                    

 11:00   "Na Siko Serious Mazee"  Let's rap!  

               Tricks Hommie Ryan                       

 11:30   50 People One Question.                    

               Kamil Krolak                                      

 12:00   Reporting from Nicosia.                     

                Melissa Hekkers                               

 12:30   Straniaro a Gubbio.                               

                 Graham Hofmann                             


              - AFTERNOON SESSIONS -                  

 14:00   Festival Metaverse Premier!                

                   - Keynote. The Art Gate District.              

                   Brendon McNaughton                      

                - The Meta Biennale 2021.                          

                   Group exhibition tour: Adi AtassiRosie McGurran,   

                   Ingrid ChristensenKarin F. Giusti,  Keith Thomson,     

                   Niaz Maleknia Berman, Gero Cacciatore, Dead Frogs

                   Sam J. Grudgings, Teresa Albor, Riccardo Meneghini 

 15:00   Rebooting Open Call for 2022.           

                Ralph Overbeck                               

 15:30                SIESTA BREAK                          

 16:00  Our Friends & Patrons                           

                  Sophia Willke                                    

 16:30  Closing remarks. Divine Feminine Wisdom 

               Sandy Humby                                     

 17:00               APERITIVO TIME!                        


Smart Festival 22
 hosted by

Popoli, Italy

Session Intervals Video Streaming:

Against Wisdom
Riccardo Meneghini & Co | The Tree | at (sm)art 21

Riccardo Meneghini & Co | The Tree | at (sm)art 21

Teaser réalisé par Béatrice Camurat-Jaud Musique Aleksi Aubry-Carlson The TREE (Fragments of poetics on fire) Création 2021 pour 9 danseurs Chorégraphie et scénographie | Carolyn Carlson Assistante chorégraphique | Colette Malye Interprètes | Constantine Baecher, Chinatsu Kosakatani, Juha Marsalo, Céline Maufroid, Riccardo Meneghini, Isida Micani, Yutaka Nakata, Sara Orselli, Sara Simeoni Musiques | Aleksi Aubry-Carlson, René Aubry, Maarja Nuut, K. Friedrich Abel Création lumière | Rémi Nicolas, assisté de Guillaume Bonneau Peintures projetées | Gao Xingjian Accessoires | Gilles Nicolas et Jank Dage Costumes | Elise Dulac, Atelier du Théâtre National de Chaillot. Remerciements à Chrystel Zingiro Production | Carolyn Carlson Company Coproductions | Théâtre National de Chaillot, Théâtre Toursky Marseille, Ballet du Nord / Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Hauts-de-France, Equilibre Nuithonie Fribourg Accueil en résidence au CDCN-Atelier de Paris, à la salle Allende (Mons-en-Baroeul) et au Kiosk (Marquette-lez-Lille) Avec le soutien du Crédit du Nord Remerciements au programme Rolex de mentorat artistique, au Studio 28 Roubaix-Compagnie Zahrbat, au Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, à Michelle Kokosowski et Martine Dionisio Durée | 1h10 Carolyn Carlson Company Claire de Zorzi - Directrice des Productions et du Développement Siham Lahkim - Coordinatrice Production et communication Marie Greulich - Administratrice de tournées

FIFTY PEOPLE ONE QUESTION - GALWAY, IRELAND 2011 by Kamil Krolak - more about us and our projects. "One Town, 50 different People, One very difficult Question" Fifty People One Question - Galway A short film which brough together people from furthest corners of the world... Its impact on the audience, inspirational content, reaction in the media in various countries, as well as the global popularity are incredible and indisputable. We are delighted we gave you the opportunity to watch it and experience it in many different ways. Thank you for watching it and sharing it with your close ones. I made this short movie few months ago, with the help of my friends and college mates. It is based on the 'Fifty People One Question' series made by It is based in Galway and it was shot in November 2010. Shot in High Quality on Cannon 550D. Fifty People One Question... Hope you will all enjoy it. I appreciate any critique and suggestions so please feel free to comment and contact me. Phone number: (00353) 868910692 FaceBook: KamilFilms -!/profile.php?id=100002501040241 Email: Songs used in the production and iTune links where you can buy them: 1)Wilson Phillips - Go Your Own Way [] 2)Hans Zimmer - You're So Cool ('True Romance' soundtrack) [] 3)Buffalo Springfield - For What It's Worth [] 4)John Powell, Pete Anthony, Don Harper, Blake Nelly & The Hollywood Studio Symphony - The Moon And The Superhero (Hancock Soundtrack) [] 5)Rachel's - Water From the Same Source [] Crew: Director: Kamil Krolak Assistant Dir: Fintan Warfield Editor: Kamil Krolak Camera: Julia Puchovska/ Des Mulcahy/ Fintan Warfield/ Kamil Krolak Sound: Killian McPartland // Kamil Krolak 00353 868910692 // ©KamilFilms 2011 // ©Kamil Krolak 2011

Check out some of the live play backs from our First Edition Festival:

Riccardo Meneghini & Co | The Tree | at (sm)art 21

Riccardo Meneghini & Co | The Tree | at (sm)art 21

Teaser réalisé par Béatrice Camurat-Jaud Musique Aleksi Aubry-Carlson The TREE (Fragments of poetics on fire) Création 2021 pour 9 danseurs Chorégraphie et scénographie | Carolyn Carlson Assistante chorégraphique | Colette Malye Interprètes | Constantine Baecher, Chinatsu Kosakatani, Juha Marsalo, Céline Maufroid, Riccardo Meneghini, Isida Micani, Yutaka Nakata, Sara Orselli, Sara Simeoni Musiques | Aleksi Aubry-Carlson, René Aubry, Maarja Nuut, K. Friedrich Abel Création lumière | Rémi Nicolas, assisté de Guillaume Bonneau Peintures projetées | Gao Xingjian Accessoires | Gilles Nicolas et Jank Dage Costumes | Elise Dulac, Atelier du Théâtre National de Chaillot. Remerciements à Chrystel Zingiro Production | Carolyn Carlson Company Coproductions | Théâtre National de Chaillot, Théâtre Toursky Marseille, Ballet du Nord / Centre Chorégraphique National Roubaix Hauts-de-France, Equilibre Nuithonie Fribourg Accueil en résidence au CDCN-Atelier de Paris, à la salle Allende (Mons-en-Baroeul) et au Kiosk (Marquette-lez-Lille) Avec le soutien du Crédit du Nord Remerciements au programme Rolex de mentorat artistique, au Studio 28 Roubaix-Compagnie Zahrbat, au Domaine de Chaumont-sur-Loire, à Michelle Kokosowski et Martine Dionisio Durée | 1h10 Carolyn Carlson Company Claire de Zorzi - Directrice des Productions et du Développement Siham Lahkim - Coordinatrice Production et communication Marie Greulich - Administratrice de tournées
Image by Samuel Regan-Asante
- Register your free tickets!

Register your free tickets!

Register in advance your free tickets for this live-streaming event - coming to you on the 19-20 February. Free entry via Zoom, a presto!

Dream Ticket

Registered Ticket Holders

Get ready, co-creating, dreaming, dancing, stealing the moments..., dedicated to arts and culture. Be inspired by artists and creatives. Because the world needs them now more than ever!

- Find us in the Metaverse

- Festival Metaverse -

Art lovers and collectors can visit the work of our festival artists in a virtual reality space, a presto!

Image by julien Tromeur
- Group Exhibition
Screenshot 2022-01-13 at 08.16.26.png
Smart Exhibitions.png

The Meta Biennale


- Paintings -

Adi Atassi (Fine Artist. The Hidden Vocabulary. Room I & II)

Rosie McGurran (Artist R.U.A. The Inishlacken Project. Room I & III)

Ingrid Christensen (Artist. Nude Stripped Bare. Room I)


- Public Art -

Karin F. Giusti (Public Art Innovator. Dreamweave. Room I)


- Photography -

Keith Thomson (City Photography. En Plein Air. Room IV)

Niaz Maleknia (Photo Documentary. Play With Me. Room V)

Gero Cacciatore (Fotografo. Berlin Recordings. Room IV)


- Performance Art -

Teresa Albor (Artist. Against Wisdom. Room I)

Sam J. Grudgings (Poet. My Name is Dispute. Room I)

Dead Frogs (Experimental Music. A New Reality. Room I)

Riccardo Meneghini (Dance Artist. The Tree. Room I)

Free entry to the exhibition through the Art Gate Lobby

Extended Exhibition Spaces
until the end of Feb 2022!

Second Edition Festival
Metaverse Sessions

Sponsored by

Smart Patronships.png
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To enter the Art Gate Lobby, download the app onto your VR headset or computer here.

Grazie mille to our Friends & Sponsors!

ZOOM global smartcities
Art Gate
Kamil Films
Rose Alchemy
Young Photographers London
Robin Architecture
Casale Flaminia Social Media Logo
Forno Vantaggi
Valiant Wealth
Small Investors in Big Ideas. Your Life!

Hosted by

Popoli, Italy

Curated by

Smart Curators.png

in smart association with

Smart Travel 2021


[sm]Art © 2022. All rights reserved.

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